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    Cleo Schreibgeräte GmbH

    An der Wassermühle 1


    +49 38791 984-0

    From the Prignitz into the world. The name Cleopatra does not make anyone directly think of the Prignitz. But rather ancient Egypt. Between Bad Wilsnack and Alexandria are nearly 3,000 miles and more than 2,000 years. Likewise, you will find that the Elbe lowlands and the African desert nation do not seem to have a lot in common. The name Cleopatra, however, connects the Prignit with ancient Egypt. It has led both regions to worldwide recognition. Immediately following the Second World War, the founders of our company began to produce writing instruments in a back lot garage. With simple means, but a lot of skill and craft know-ledge, they were made in a similar manner to those of the ancient Egyptians. Thus, the first collection of writing instruments was called “Cleopatra”. In vernacular, it was Cleo. The success of our India ink drawing instruments series “Skribent”, which were distributed throughout the former Eastern Bloc and were vital for generations of draftsmen’s daily work, brought about the second name. Today we have the name Cleo Skribent and have specialized in the production of sophisticated fine writing instruments. Our name has become not only famous in Germany, but is also known in Japan, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe, the U.S. and Canada, where it is becoming synonymous with such values as solidity, tradition and quality “Made in Germany”. We are one of only a few companies to truly produce completely in Germany. A family enterprise with history and a factory with future. And perhaps in a few years people will also think of the Prignitz with the name Cleo and not just ancient Egypt.

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